At this point lets hope you are all rested after the completion of the Every Step Counts Challenge last Wednesday – well done one and all. Over the 5 weeks we as a group walked 15,212..2km finishing in 23rd place in Ulster, an improvement of 5 places since last year. Once again we finished 1st in Monaghan over 5,000km more than Clones who finished in 56th place.
In total 58 people took part, 34 female and 24 male. 22 people reached 250km or more while a further 25 got to the 125km mark. We will have the two draws (€100 and €50) for these people before the final night of the Lights Up this Wednesday night the 22nd February at 6.45pm in the Community Centre. We also will have a cup of tea and a biscuit.