Dinner Dance – the 2024 JFC winning team will receive their medals at this and it will take place in the Hillgrove Hotel Monaghan on Saturday 8th March. There will be a drinks and instrumental music reception from 7.30pm while the meal will be served at 8pm sharp. It is an over 16s and ticket only event. Music is by The Good Guys Wedding Band. Tickets priced €50 are now available. They can be bought in Quinn’s Quality Meats in Ballybay and Castleblayney and then also in Drumhowan Community Centre this Thursday 27th February from 7.30-8.30pm.

Membership for 2025 – is now due.  There are a number of categories as follows 1.  Adult Player – €130 2. Adult Member – €130 3. Family – 2 Adults + U18 Youths €130 4. Youth/Student Player/Non-Player €40 There a number of ways to pay this. 1. Foireann (preferred method)  2. Bank Transfer 3. Paypal 4. Cash or cheque. Pay by 17th March to be entered in an early bird draw of €300.  For full details on how to pay using each option go to https://drumhowan.gaa.ie/2025-membership-now-due/

Membership Registration and Dinner Dance Tickets – you can pay your Friends of Drumhowan  and buy Dinner Dance Tickets priced at €50 at the Community Centre this Thursday 27th February from 7.30 to 8.30pm.  Card Payments will also be accepted

National Club Draw 2025 – the club are once again taking part in this. Tickets are priced at €15 are available from any club executive member or senior player. The prizes have been enhanced this year and all money raised by this will remain in the club.  The full list of prizes are as follows 1st Prize: €50,000 2nd Prize : €20,000 3rd Prize:€10,000 4th Prize: €5,000 5th Prize: €5000,  6th Prize: €2,500 Holiday Voucher, 7th Prize: All Ireland Hurling & Football Final Ticket Package 2025, 8th Prize: All Ireland Hurling & Football Final Ticket Package 2025, 9th Prize: All Ireland Football Final Ticket Package 2025, 10th Prize: All Ireland Hurling Final Ticket Package 2025. Please support this worthy cause.

New Club App Drumhowan GAA are pleased to announce the launch of our Official Club App in association with Club and County This is a extension of our Club Website www.drumhowangaa.ie To download the app 1. Go to the App Store or Google Play 2. Search for Club & County 3. Download and then choose Ulster, Monaghan and Drumhowan
Main features of the App are 1. Match Centre – Latest Fixtures & Results
2. Latest Club News 3. Message Centre – Event, General, Youth and Game

Gaeltacht Scholarships   – If your son/daughter has secured a place on a Gaeltacht course this summer & they are a registered member of the club, why not apply for a Gaeltacht scholarship. Please contact our Cultural Officer Emmet Mulholland +353894944788  or emmetmulholland@gmail.com for further details. Closing date is the 28th of February.

Congratulations – to Katie Mc Adam on her Ulster Ladies Post Primary Schools’ All-Star Award which she received earlier this week. Congrats also to Conor Curran who made an early start to the 2025 season when his Barcelona Gaels team emerged victorious in the final of Round 1 of the Iberian Central East Competition.

Next Bingo – is the Easter edition which will take place on Friday 11th April. Please put the date in your diary

By noelduffy Tue 25th Feb