Eurotech Junior Football League Cup – The Seniors have their first league game in 7 weeks when Aghabog fresh from their victory over Emyvale last weekend are the visitors to Páirc Mhic Eoin this Sunday 16th September with a throw in time of 12.30pm. The club urges all supporters to come out and support the team.
Mallon Foods U17 Division 2 – The U17s continued their winning ways last Sunday the 9th of September when they had a 5-6 to 1-11 over Scotstown in Kilmore. Scotstown provide the opposition once again this time on Sunday the 16th of September in the semi final of the championship with a 11am throw in, in Pearse Park.
U11 The U11s travel to Emyvale on this Saturday to take part in their annual BC Tournament. All players should be in Emyvale on Saturday morning for 9.20 and take gum shields and hoodie.
Dan Markey Tournament – Drumhowan host our own six team U11 tournament on Saturday 22nd September commencing at 10.30am. Help will be needed on the day around the pitch plus refreshments and cooks needed in the kitchen.
U7 -9 This group will soon be finishing up their outdoor training. Details will go out later in the week and we hope to have a special guest in attendance.
Juvenile Trip – The club head to Belfast with the U11 to U15 panels on Saturday October 13th to play a match and then attend the European Champions Cup Rugby match in Ravenhill on that evening between Ulster and The Leicester Tigers.
U11-15 Training continues on for next few Monday evenings at 6.50pm where our internal club leagues will continue.
Training Pitch – Work has commenced on the training pitch as improved drainage and a new playing surface are installed by Curran Contracts. It is hoped that the seed will be sown by this weekend. This job has been part funded by a Sports Capital Grant awarded last year.
Pride of Place – the judges arrived in the community last Wednesday the 5th of September and stayed for over three hours listening and watching all the great things that happen around Drumhowan – There was even a play along the roadside. Check out full report on the website and photos on social media.
Ruby Wedding Anniversary – Congratulations to Charlie and Marion Mulligan who celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary last Friday the 7th of September in a packed Community Centre. All donations received on the night will go to local charities.
Thanks to all those who helped steward at the Mc Elvaney’s Waste and Recycling Game between Aughnamullen and Currin last Sunday the 9th of September.