2025 Membership is now due – please see below the various options to choose from
There are number of different ways to pay – please see below
Option 1. Foireann
Is the preferred option as this gives you an option to update all your details.
To pay by foireann 1.Please go to www.foireann.ie 2. Then login using your username and password. 3. Navigate to the Membership section.
4. Click on the ‘Register’ button beside the membership option you wish to select and then follow the onscreen instruction.
Option 2: Bank Transfer
When paying using this option please remember to state your name in the reference Drumhowan IBAN is IE74 AIBK 9324 2635 7961 84 (BIC: AIBKIE2D)
Option 3. Paypal
If web use the link www.paypal.com/paypal.me/DrumhowanGAA
If using app please use username @DrumhowanGAA
Make sure in the message details to state your name and choose the family and friends option,
Option 4: Cash or Cheque
If paying by cash or cheque please give to Treasurer Clare Reilly or any committee member. If paying by cheque make payable to Drumhowan GFC
Pay by March 17th and you will be entered into an early bird draw of €300